When you own a small business, you find out pretty quickly that you can't do everything. After trying to frame a few things myself, I had to ask the question, "Do I want to be a photographer or a picture framer?"
Not only is he nice, soft-spoken and wears a tie every day to work (not kidding). He is also OCD when it comes to quality and the detail of the work he does AND he's reasonably priced to boot! You can't beat that. This guy has stayed up many nights turning around insane deadlines for me and my sister's design firm and he makes us look SO good. So if you have anything that needs to be framed, he's the guy.
Matage'....How DO you pronounce that name? We, affectionately, call him Matage-mahal (like the Taj Mahal). Silly, but memorable. Here are his new digs in the same building I'm moving into soon. 166 W. Main Street in Downtown Mesa, Arizona.
Jenn--just chillin' in the cool chairs at Matage...the Starbuck's is gettin' low, thus the sleepy eyes...